A tablet pc is a personal computer that has a touch screen. Much lighter and more manageable in small spaces than a laptop, a tablet pc is a truly personal computer. While a built in keyboard is not standard on a tablet pc a keyboard may be plugged in if the user prefers. To enter information on a tablet pc you simply write on the screen. The tablet pc is able to read your writing based on handwriting recognition. The handwriting is stored as a graphic and can be converted to text either in real time or stored and completed after you have finished your notes. If you would prefer to be more natural, comments, notes and doodles can be left in your own handwriting. Tablet pcs use Windows XP Professional as their operating system. There are a wide variety of additional software programs available to customize a tablet pc to meet your individual needs.
Tablet pcs are lightweight and are designed for students and business people alike. With their wireless capabilities tablet pcs are great for checking emails and keeping important files and information at your fingertips.
Tablet pcs on the market
* Hewlett-Packard offers a tablet pc that comes equipped with wireless options, integrated security and an outdoor viewable display. Battery life is up to 5.5 hours and an additional travel battery can be purchased for all day use. This tablet pc comes with a three-year warranty.
* Gateway offers a full bundle tablet pc that comes with USB keyboard, dock for a desktop, and DVD-ROM/CD-RW drive. It is a slate type model and comes with Windows XP Tablet PC software. Standard battery for this tablet pc lasts at least 3 hours. With a weight of three pounds this tablet pc is perfect for students or business people on the move.
* Toshiba is marketing a dockable tablet pc that combines a notebook pc with the versatility of the tablet pc. The fully rotating screen allows viewing in either the landscape or portrait orientation. This model of tablet pc is must for adding personal notes or diagrams to presentations.
Article Source: http://www.articlerich.com - By: Mike Singh
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